Fine anno 2021

Facial recognition: the Swedish data protection authority fines a school

The Swedish Data Protection Authority fined a school to pay about 20,000.00 euros. The measure is currently available only in Swedish; therefore, we propose the news with a brief comment without further details. Facial recognition system. © Nicola Fabiano - All rights reserved What has it happened? A Swedish school used a facial recognition system on the students to verify their attendance. During the preliminary investigation by the Swedish supervisory authority, the school defended itself by stating that the students expressed their consent. The supervisory authority closed the investigation sanctioning the school. ...

2 September 2019 · 9 min · NicFab
best paper award

Best Paper Award - The Meaning of Accountability, Responsibility and Liability in the GDPR: Proposal for an Ontology

For the second consecutive year, I participated in “The Eleventh International Conference on Evolving Internet - INTERNET 2019”, organised by the International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA) which was held in Rome from June 30th to July 4th 2019. Furthermore, my participation was also as the chair of the special track “RAIEDP: Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Data Protection” together with my colleague Filippo Bianchini (co-chair). I presented the contribution entitled “The Meaning of ‘Accountability’, ‘Responsibility’ and ‘Liability’ in the GDPR: Proposal for an Ontology”. ...

22 August 2019 · 2 min · NicFab
Fine anno 2021

Thanks Giovanni!

I note from the statement published on the EDPS website that Giovanni Buttarelli passed away. The news much saddens me. The post published on the EPDS website defines Giovanni Buttarelli such a kind and brilliant individual. Throughout his life, Giovanni dedicated himself completely to his family, to the service of the judiciary and the European Union and its values. His passion and intelligence will ensure an enduring and unique legacy for the institution of the EDPS and for all people whose lives were touched by him ...

21 August 2019 · 3 min · NicFab
Fine anno 2021

8thInternational Conference on e-Democracy: Call for papers (deadline extended)

I am honoured to be a member of the Program Committee of the 8th International Conference on e-Democracy that will be held in Athens on 12-13 December 2019. Below the official communication. Spread the information the about the conference. Dear colleagues, Duetonumerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline of 8th International Conference on e-Democracy: Safeguarding Democracy and Human Rights in the Digital Age has been extended to August 18, 2019. ...

2 August 2019 · 5 min · NicFab
Fine anno 2021

The operator of a website that features a Facebook ‘Like’ button can be a controller jointly with Facebook in respect of the collection and transmission to Facebook of the personal data of visitors to its website

Court of Justice of the European Union - PRESS RELEASE No 99/19 - Luxembourg, 29 July 2019. Here the document:

29 July 2019 · 1 min · NicFab
Fine anno 2021

GDPR one year later: awareness firstly

After one year, many people make evaluations, while others forecast or organise events. My purpose is not celebratory but purposeful and prodromal: what are the aspects concerning the protection of personal data on which it would be appropriate to reflect and which deserve further investigation? One of the most relevant aspects is undoubtedly the “awareness” that it means “to have exact consciousness about himself”. Among the principles laid down in the GDPR, the “accountability” (art. 5, paragraph 2) is the central pillar. The data controller or the data processor who has to respect the “accountability” principle must necessarily be aware of “having a perfect consciousness about himself” on the knowledge of the GDPR rules and principles. It is not about a purely technical-juridical knowledge that would favour the jurist in the application of the laws. Reading the GDPR often goes beyond the qualification of the rules of conduct that are part of the legal system: there is much more over. We cannot ignore the fundamental rights provided for by the European Charter and by the Convention 108 plus. ...

26 May 2019 · 5 min · NicFab
Fine anno 2021

The ethics of data: an interview with Nicola Fabiano

Some weeks ago I gave an interview to Ingenium Magazine and it has been published here. Grateful to Sonia Montegiove.

23 May 2019 · 1 min · NicFab
Fine anno 2021

Internet of Things and Blockchain: legal issues and privacy. The challenge for a privacy standard

The IoT is innovative and important phenomenon prone to several services ad applications, but it should consider the legal issues related to the data protection law. However, should be taken into account the legal issues related to the data protection and privacy law. Technological solutions are welcome, but it is necessary, before developing applications, to consider the risks which we cannot dismiss. Personal data is a value. In this context is fundamental to evaluate the legal issues and prevent them, adopting in each project the privacy by design approach. Regarding the privacy and security risks, there are some issues with potential consequences for data security and liability. The IoT system allows us to transfer data on the Internet, including personal data. In this context, it is important to consider the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - already in force from 24 May 2016 - that will be applicable on 25 May 2018. The GDPR introduces Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA), data breach notification and very hard administrative fines in respect of infringements of the Regulation. ...

22 December 2017 · 29 min · NicFab
Fine anno 2021

Robotics, big data, ethics and data protection: a matter of approach

In Europe, the protection of personal data is a fundamental right. Within this framework, the relationship among robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), data protection and privacy has been receiving par- ticular attention, recently, being the most important topics related to data protection and privacy those of Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Liability and Ethics. The present paper describes the main legal issues related to privacy and data protection highlighting the relationship among Big Data, Robotics, Ethics and data protection, trying to address the solution correctly through the European General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) principles. ...

22 December 2017 · 12 min · NicFab