
The proposed regulation on 'ePrivacy': the current status between the chronology of events and some considerations

An overview on the proposal for a Regulation on ePrivacy

15 February 2022 · 25 min · NicFab

“Data Protection Day 2022”

Data Protection Day 2022 Every year on January 28, we celebrate Data Protection Day (for Europe) and Data Privacy Day for those outside the union. In any case, it is an opportunity to reflect on relevant issues related to the protection of personal data and privacy. Today, I submit some reflections on three main points to the reader’s attention. First, be aware that times have changed. That is what I wrote some time ago, and it is a fundamental aspect but, at the same time, the main starting point. ...

28 January 2022 · 4 min · NicFab

“Studio Legale Fabiano has a new website with Hugo”

Studio Legale Fabiano has a new site I finished (at least I hope so) the IT activities necessary for the porting of the Studio’s website (Studio Legale Fabiano) from WordPress to Hugo. Notably, it was not a simple “porting” but a series of additional activities aimed at defining the theme the arrangement of images and code so that the entire site was entirely correct and, therefore, ready to be published. ...

28 January 2022 · 2 min · NicFab

“Our Blog 'NicFab' is now on Hugo”

Hugo & NicFab After many years in the company of WordPress, we have completed the migration of our NicFab blog to Hugo. Our decision came after a careful reflection that led us to consider the features of Hugo and related resources, not excluding the success of the publication of NicFab Notes which is our digital notebook for which we used the same, Hugo. Hugo proves to be a performing and modular solution, suitable for our needs and allowing us better management of the contributions to be published. ...

11 January 2022 · 1 min · NicFab
Fine anno 2021

ePrivacy Regulation: the current Perspective

Foto di Pavan Trikutam Previous Next     / [pdf] View the PDF file here. The subject is pretty challenging indeed, considering that the EU proposal on the e-Privacy regulation is under the Institutions’ attention and not defined yet. I created a map consisting of eight sections, where I included all (I hope) the issues related to the proposal on the ePrivacy Regulation, and I will comment on it in each Section. ...

7 December 2021 · 12 min · NicFab
Fine anno 2021

XMPP is a solution that allows users to have control over their personal information: our choice Snikket

Here is the first short contribution to clarify the impact of the messaging apps on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. We refer you to our previous contribution related to the subject “communication manner” which people use nowadays and precisely the digital communication, by using messaging apps. People pay more attention to trends, diffusion, the number of users of a particular app, and less to the most relevant aspects such as privacy and data protection. We should pay more attention to our life and personal information, avoiding becoming elements carried toward legally unclear ways. ...

22 November 2021 · 8 min · NicFab
Fine anno 2021

Whatsapp? No thanks, I prefer to have control over my data

It’s been months since I deleted my account from Whatsapp. However, other users continue to see my active profile and write to me. Among these, unaware of my decisions, some were concerned about not receiving a response, while others were probably angry. The numerous messages and open tickets to support and even the DPO were no use because nothing has changed. The FAQ states, “It may take up to 90 days from the beginning of the deletion process to delete your WhatsApp information.”. I am considering other initiatives, indeed. All this shows how a Whatsapp user has no control over their personal data. ...

27 April 2021 · 4 min · NicFab
Fine anno 2021

Our Matrix Server matrix.nicfab.it is online

Chapter III of the GDPR is related to the Rights of the data subject. The data subject is at the centre of the system and is the only one entitled to exercise the power of control over their data. In particular, it is well-known as provided by Whereas (7) of the GDPR, according to which Natural persons should have control of their own personal data. Legal and practical certainty for natural persons, economic operators and public authorities should be enhanced. ...

31 March 2021 · 1 min · NicFab
Fine anno 2021

Aware digital communication respecting privacy and the apps or services you choose

Introduction After our previous post, we are returning to the subject of modern-day communication - digital communication - where we are app users with a solution-conscious approach. The aim is to raise digital users’ awareness of issues relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and privacy. Human beings communicate daily and increasingly (or perhaps almost exclusively) through the use of apps that exploit the Internet: some are exceptionally well-known and popular among users, such as Whatsapp, Signal, Telegram, Messenger, Skype, etc. ...

18 March 2021 · 13 min · NicFab
Fine anno 2021

Consciously looking at messaging apps: when users want broad freedom and full control over their data

In one of our previous contributions, we stated that the human being needs to communicate (the first axiom of the Palo Alto School)[1] , and the advantage offered by the Internet of interacting with other people even at a distance has been successful. Moreover, numerous popular and scientific contributions described the social evolution (or involution, depending on the point of view), and it is undoubted understandable that it may have legal and juridical repercussions. ...

8 March 2021 · 8 min · NicFab