‼️ From the Court of Justice of the European Union

PRESS RELEASE No 166/24 - Luxembourg, 4 October 2024

📄 Judgment of the Court in Case C-446/21 | Schrems (Communication of data to the general public)

➡️ An online social network such as Facebook cannot use all of the personal data obtained for the purposes of targeted advertising, without restriction as to time and without distinction as to type of data.

👉 The fact that Mr Maximilian Schrems has made a statement about his sexual orientation on the occasion of a public panel discussion does not authorise the operator of an online social network platform to process other data relating to his sexual orientation, obtained, as the case may be, outside that platform, with a view to aggregating and analysing those data, in order to offer him personalised advertising.

Source: https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2024-10/cp240166en.pdf

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